The Unfailing Love of the Lord Never Fails, Flags or Flees = Psalm 33:1-5, 20-22

December 24, 2023

Love is often a difficult commodity to define in our world today.  Are we even convinced of it, the Lord’s love for us, that we are his precious children?  The scriptures never stop talking about it, and always promise its fulfillment through the interventions of God.  The Lord’s love is a constant in his character, love is the primary quality in his motivations, it is by far the defining characteristic of the Christian.  We are objects of God’s unconditional love through our Lord Jesus Christ, and we are then agents of his love into a world where love is maligned and fragile.

Pastor Frank Guter

Listen to today’s message–>


Download today’s message–>The unfailing love of the Lord never fails, flags or flees