God has sent us the living bread from heaven – John 6:25-50

February 4, 2024

I want us to know that we can be completely satisfied in Jesus Christ, the Living Bread of Heaven.  He is the Bread of Life, and what was presented before is just a shadow of reality- manna from heaven, bread from the fields, the miracle of feeding 5000, the abundance of produce from the blessed land – that is not the final, real thing.  Jesus is the Real Bread.  Eating him is not at all literal, it is symbolic of believing in him.  When you meet someone who has a really crazy idea, you say, “oh, they drank the Kool-Aid”.  Well, you confess here and now at the Table of the Lord that you completely and totally believe that Jesus brings you knew spiritual life where before you were dead.

Pastor Frank Guter


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