Bringing our worship to the Lamb: Honor – Revelation 5:13 and John 5:16-27

January 19, 2025

Honoring someone is about giving them weight of respect in your life.  When you honor your parents, you acknowledge your being granted a position in life through them.  In the same way, you honor God because you place him at the position of sovereign over the planet earth and all life that exists on it.  The path of honoring is one of obedience, sacrifice and respect.  You can be honored in various ways, based on your performance of certain duties, receiving and Oscar is due to the hard work of a performance, a purple heart because you put yourself in harm’s way as a soldier and were injured as a result.  In the same way, we are to honor the Son, our Lord Jesus, because he already has the position of being central to creation and then became the very agent of our redemption.

Pastor Frank Guter

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