Sermons from 2020
Baptism Is A Means Of Grace - Matthew 28: 16-20, 1 Peter 3: 18-31(Rev. Tom Van Engen, January 5th, 2020)
Still Be Subject To Authorities - Romans 13: 1-7(Rev. Tom Van Engen, January 12th, 2020)
Everything Will Be OK, Trust Jesus - Revelation 20: 11-15, Belgic Confession, Article 37(Rev. Tom Van Engen, January 19th, 2020)
Trust Jesus In Everything - Romans 8: 28-39, Belgic Confession, Article 13(Rev. Tom Van Engen, January 26th, 2020)
Take Jesus Christ Into Our Lives - John 6: 35-59, Belgic Confession, Article 35(Rev. Tom Van Engen, February 2nd, 2020)
What Is A Parbar? - Romans 8: 28, 2 Kings 23: 11(Rev. Howard Merrell, February 9th, 2020)
Asaph, Why the Wicked Seems To Prosper? - Psaml 73, Psalm 94(Rev. Howard Merrell, February 16th, 2020)
What Is God's Purpose & Plan For My Life? How To Be Blessed - Psalm 1, The Beatitudes(Rev. Eric Sorenson, February 23rd, 2020)
The Study of Missions - Acts 1(Rev. Tom Van Engen, March 1st, 2020)
Should We Be Tolerant? - Matthew 7: 1-7(Rev. Tom Van Engen, March 8th, 2020)
Outward Appearances Often Can Be Deceiving - Matthew 7: 13-29(Rev. Tom Van Engen, March 15th, 2020)
The Hidden Message Of The Healing Ministry - Matthew 8: 1-17(Rev. Tom Van Engen, March 22nd, 2020)
The Cost of Following Jesus - Matthew 8: 18-22(Rev. Tom Van Engen, March 29th, 2020)
What's Most Important Is Worshipping Jesus - Matthew 21: 1-17, Mark 11: 12, Zechariah 14: 21(Rev. Tom Van Engen, April 5th, 2020)
Jesus Chose To Die For Us - John 18 + 19(Rev. Tom Van Engen, April 10th, 2020)
Easter So What? - John 20(Rev. Tom Van Engen, April 12th, 2010)
Jesus And The Miraculous Catch of Fish - John 21: 1-14(Rev. Tom Van Engen, April 19th, 2020)
Come And Be Healed - Matthew 9: 18-38(Rev. Tom Van Engen, April 26th, 2020)
Now Pass It On - Psalm 22: 25-31, Psalm 145: 4(Rev. Tom Van Engen, May 1st, 2020)
The Samaritan Women - John 4(Rev. Bill Wood, May 24th, 2020)
Moving Forward Bravely - Joshua 1: 1-9(Pastor Jeff Nelson, June 7th, 2020)
The Good Work That Comes From Jesus Christ - Philippians 1: 1-6(Rev. John Tomada, June 9th, 2020)
Blessing Is A Two Way Street - Numbers 6: 24-26, 1 Kings 17: 1-16(Michael Sabin, June 14th, 2020)
Be A Blessed Foot Washer - John 13: 1-17(Pastor Jeff Nelson, July 12th, 2020)
Harmony Through Humility - Philippians 1: 1+2(Rev. John Tomada July 19th, 2020)
Take Up Your Cross - Mark 14: 15-72, Mark 8(Rev. Steve Stinette, July 26th, 2020)
Psalm 139(Rev. Howard Merrell, August 2nd, 2020)
How God Never Let's Us Down - Hebrew 6: 13-20(Rev. Howard Merrell, August 9th, 2020)
Jesus Brings Down Walls - Ephesians 2(Pastor Jeff Nelson, August 23rd, 2020)
Working Out Your Salvation - Philippians 2: 12-18, Romans 8: 28-30(Rev. John Tomada, August 30th, 2020)
Revel in Your Relationship With The Truine God - Ephesians 2: 11-22(Rev. Howard Merrell, October 11th, 2020)
Christ's Surpassing Worth Over Everything - Philippians 3: 1-6, Acts 7(Rev. John Tomada, October 18th, 2020)
The Good Samaritan - Luke 10: 25-37(Michael Sabin, October 25th, 2020)
Worshipping God - Be Holy As He Is Holy - Isaiah 6, 1 John 1: 9(Rev. Howard Merrell, November 8th, 2020)
No Justice No Peace - Ephesians 2: 10(Rev. Howard Merrell, November 15th, 2020)
Jesus Is The Good Shepherd - John 3: 16, Ezekiel 34: 30 & 31, Psalm 119(Pastor Jeff Nelson, November 22nd, 2020)
The Arrival of Christ - Philippians 2: 6-8, 3: 12-21(Rev. John Tomada, November 29th, 2020)
God's Love - John 3: 16, Romans 5, 1 John 4(Rev. Howard Merrell, December 6th, 2020)
Christmas, Jesus Brings Joy - Luke 2: 8-20, Psalm 51: 12(Michael Sabin, December 13th, 2020)
Merry Christmas - Be Still & Know He Is God - Psalm 46: 10(Betwin Alokoa, December 24th, 2020)
Overcoming Anxiety & Stressful Situations - Philippians 4: 1-13, Psalm 42(Rev. John Tomada, December 27th, 2020)