Hello or Hafa Adai as we say on Guam!
You found this page because you are new to Faith Church. We hope you will stay.
Our intention is to praise our Lord through worship, service and fellowship. We invite you to join us both for adding glory to God through your worship and for adding the blessing of fellowship to your life and ours.
Sunday Activities begin with Sunday School at 9 AM (except June, July, and August) for all ages.
Our Worship Services start at 10 AM. The friendly, open atmosphere helps everyone feel at home and newcomers are welcomed graciously. Come and join us! There is a quiet room for parents and children.
We also have ample free parking.
We use projection to the front of the church, but we also have Bibles available if you need one.
Our mailing address is:
P.O. Box 5336 UOG Station, Mangilao, GU 96923-5336
Our Office phone is: 1-671-734-7774 option 2 (Ms. Hilaria Joker is our administrative assistant.)
Email: fprcguam@gmail.com.
Our worship and delivery location is: 150 Fr. Duenas Road, Ordot Chalan Pago, Guam.
If you like to read, see what our Faith Church Library has for you to borrow https://www.librarything.com/catalog/Faithchurchlibrary
If you would like to get involved in one of our ministries, read our community page.